20 functions with up to 8 independent switching times can be
realised with the MDT Time Switch SCN-RTC20.02. For daily
repeated tasks, such as the UP and DOWN movement of the roller
shutters/blinds in the morning or evening hours, or the ON and OFF
switching of the outdoor lighting. This can be done not only
according to the time, but also according to the calculated sunrise
and sunset for the parameterised location, due to the integrated
astro switching function. The new blind function now also controls
the height and position of the slats as required. Used as master, the
MDT Time Switch supplies the time and date to all bus devices. As
slave it receives the time and date from a time server, for example,
via an IP interface (SCN-IP000.03). In case of Internet failure, the
MDT Time Switch can automatically switch to master mode. The
large active colour display allows editing of the switching times and
manual operation on the device.